Difference between a LEED Building & LEED Product ?
Trick question ! There’s no such thing as a LEED certified product.The LEED certification, bestowed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) applies only to buildings and construction , interior design, operations & maintenance, developments & homes. LEED-certified buildings are resource efficient. They use less water and energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As an added bonus, they save money. It’s important to note that LEED isn’t the only certification in the industry. Estidama is another prevalent standard in the middle east, developed and maintained by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC). In spite of the options available, LEED remains dominant and preferred standard due to its globally accepted standards and flexibility in being applied to any type of project. Why do you need to know this ? Because if you’re reading this, more often than not you’ll find yourself ( or already have) working on a project revolving around the sust...