Pedestals, your office's BBF ;)

If you haven’t got the first clue about office furniture , you’d be excused for assuming BBF means ‘ Bestest-Best-Friend ‘. And you also most definitely need to read this piece from top to bottom. The rest of you who correctly guessed ‘ Box-Box-File ‘ can move on ( although we recommend you read in case you’ve forgotten some of the basics ). In furniture, Pedestals are box-like frames containing drawers for storage purposes. They are generally placed below the worktop towards one corner, either freestanding or to provide support to the workstation. It’s that thing you either meticulously fill with stationary and paper-work, or, you dumb random stuff in only to be never found again. Let’s have a look at some of the basic specs and options available with pedestals SIZES - Slim & Regular The size would depend on how you want to configure it, which we’ll look at next. The most common ones which are placed under the worktop to either your...